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Technisch Tester Amsterdam - Technical Tester Amsterdam

€€4000 - €5000

Technisch Tester Vacature

Technisch Tester  Vacature Amsterdam, Test Consultant Vacature Amsterdam, Tester Vacature Amsterdam, QA Vacature Amterdam, Tester Vacature Randstad

  • Word jij warm van het technische vlak van test automation?
  • Gebruik je daarbij graag je gedegen kennis van Java of .NET?
  • Ken jij 1 of meerdere scripttalen, zoals Python, Ruby of C#?
  • Spreekt individuele carrièreplanning en loopbaanontwikkeling jou aan?

Dit bedrijf is de grootste onafhankelijke test specialist in Nederland en België in software testen en marktleider op het gebied van testopleidingen. Hun test specialisten worden in binnen- en buitenland gevraagd om testvraagstukken op te lossen of om testopdrachten uit te voeren.

Tooling die gebruikt wordt is o.a.: TestNG, WebDriver, FitNesse en performance test tools als The Grinder, Jmeter en BadBoy 

What's in it for you?

Binnen deze organisatie staan de testers voorop (ongeacht je niveau). Er zijn voldoende doorgroeimogelijkheden in verschillende richtingen en er is genoeg ruimte voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling (ook in de baas zijn tijd). Ook wordt er goed gekeken naar reistijd, zodat je een goede work-life balance houdt.

Is jouw interesse gewekt? Neem dan contact op


Technisch Tester  Vacature Amsterdam, Test Consultant Vacature Amsterdam, Tester Vacature Amsterdam, QA Vacature Amterdam, Tester Vacature Randstad

  • Working with Luke, while I was looking for another position in Amsterdam area, was a pleasure. His company is the best recruitment company I ever worked with. He provided a fast and perfect service. He really took care of all the details and was calling me all the time to make sure I was alright and I had all the information I might need for the interviews. Luke really helped me to find my dream job!

    M P -

  • I was really lucky that I had a chance to meet Luke when I was looking for a new job. He is really professional in what he is doing, but also very communicative and open person. He never leaves you alone for a job hunt. He always presents really top jobs to you. The same was in my situation and I finally got new job from one of Luke's opportunities. I will definitely contact him if I want to change my job again.

    P L -

  • Luke and I had frequent contact by phone, e-mail and in person. His active effort and enthusiasm landed me my current job, for which I am very grateful. I very much admire his social skills, organisation skills and knowledge of the IT job market. Eventually his ability to negotiate ensured for me a high level of job satisfaction in my current position.

    I I -

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