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Test Automation Specialist

€€4000 - €5000

Test Automation Vacature

Test Automation Vacature Amsterdam, Test Consultant Vacature Amsterdam, Tester Vacature Amsterdam, QA Vacature Amsterdam, Tester Vacature Randstad

  • Behoor jij tot de beste 10% test automation specialisten van Nederland
  • Heb jij passie voor je vak en wil je deze delen met iedereen? 
  • Weet jij alles van ProtractorCucumber en Agile Testing?

Als Test Automation Specialist, denk je mee over het opzetten en door ontwikkelen van de test automation omgevingen. Je bent je constant op zoek naar innovaties. Binnen dit bedrijf zijn niet de opdrachten, maar de specialisten leidend. Zo voer je uitsluitend opdrachten uit die jou uitdagen en die bij je passen.

Tools waar je mee werkt zijn: Cucumber, FitNesse, Selenium, Protractor, Angular JS, Appium, Gatling, JMeter, Jenkins, Bamboo, Teamcity, Robot Framework, Concordion, Specflow en Citrus.

Verwacht een uitdagende werkomgeving met, zeer gedreven, slimme en leuke collega's uit verschillende disciplines: continuous delivery, software development en agile testing. Daarbij horen de volgende extra’s:

  • Vrijheid om te kunnen ondernemen
  • Maandelijks Knowledge Exchange
  • € 5000,- voor trainingen en (internationale) conferenties
  • En uiteraard alle tools om je werk zo goed mogelijk te kunnen uitvoeren


 Benieuwd? Solliciteer nu direct .


 Test Automation Vacature Amsterdam, Test Consultant Vacature Amsterdam, Tester Vacature Amsterdam, QA Vacature Amsterdam, Tester Vacature Randstad

  • Luke helped me to find a job as software engineer in the Netherlands. He is honest, responsive and efficient. Thanks to his dedication and commitment I got excellent results.

    F M -

  • Luke is the best recruitment person I have encountered. When I went to him, he immediately set himself apart from other recruiters by understanding the technical terms I mentioned and suggesting a job which actually matched my skills. He listened to what I wanted instead of trying to push me into a position; he also did not obfuscate information about the company. Still, he worked quickly, and I had my interview and a job offer in less than a week. After I had been with my new job for a few months, Luke checked in to see how the position was working out. He is certainly the first person I'd turn to for technical recruiting in the Netherlands.

    A B -

  • Thanks to Luke, I have found a job perfectly suitable to my skills. I have experienced Luke as a trustworthy recruiter with a high consistency. He has a good understanding of the assets required to make a good match with a future employer. I would recommend him for any IT professional looking for new employment.

    R J -

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